I have so many angels in my life!
Angels made of love...
and a few different clays.
This is greenware - (still needs to dry)
I created each one using a wide range of textures.
After the first firing....
Fresh from the kiln and ready for a little color.
Each angel comprises of a body, head, halo and wings.
No two are alike!
I was striving for a folk art or primitive art look.
With that in mind, I did not want all the clay body under glaze.
Here you can see the green glaze in confined areas.
The wings are as individualistic as the angel itself.
The final firing...
Firebrick red glaze
I so enjoy their individuality!
And the combination of the 2 types of clay:
Speckled Stoneware and Red Clay
Other angels I made~
A beautiful white glaze expressing the iron bits from the clay.

Heart for wings...

Texture, texture everywhere!!

Thanks to Pam for the inspiration -
I took it and ran!!
I had so much fun creating each angel and using my vast array of texture tools
to achieve such unique patterns.
Glazing has always been my least favortie part of working with clay,
but I am enjoying that more because of this project!
I decided to put perameters on myself with this project;
each one had to be made fast, no redos, use what tools at hand (even if I left something at home, it could not stop me), use what I had available at that moment, use what clay I had available at that moment too!
Enjoy the process and let the clay guide me.
Results: Whipped out quite a few angels, used a combination of clay I never would have tried otherwise, used more of my texture tools than I thought possible, so pleased with my clay and glazing results!
Pushing myself and stretching my comfort zone as I am falling more and more in love with clay
on this artist holiday,