An art teacher dreams of...
A large, clean and crisp space for creativity,
counter space to place tons and tons of student work,
plenty of bulletin board space to add important art terms and show student work,
many, many shelves
to color coordinate all the paper,
cabinet space to house all the different style brushes,
and inspire me to keep picking up a brush myself,
as well as remembering all the work these brushes have already done,
to these brushes and all the work they are going to do!
A bulletin board near the entrance of my room
to continually inspire students by what I make!
More supplies...
Tempera Cakes
Cut sponges
Drying Racks
Colorful scissors
Hundreds of erasers
Soy crayons - LOVE the color selections!
And it doesn't leave a residue like the other wax ones.
Rulers... just in case!
Textbooks with great references and interesting information for art!
My first day of school

And my first bulletin board I made with help from Susan Saunders, my friend and technology teacher.
Thanks Susan!!
This is the first bulletin board the students see when they walk in my room.
Now that everything is clean...
lets gets colorful... shall we?
Still pinching myself this is real and my room is amazing!
loving my new space and everything in it on this artist holiday,
Looks like a great space. The kids are going to love your fun sprit and love of color. I can't wait for your next post!