Hannah Overman Koch

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lent Possibilities

For Lent this year
I am going to do my best
at trying to change my mind set...

Trying to stop saying or thinking this phrase:
"I don't have time"

Please go ahead and laugh.
I am laughing (a little) too!

I am going to try my hardest to

I DO have time!

Time for what you might ask?

Not sure yet, but
I feel like I say it way too much to myself.

Sure, things get done
I know I can be better with my time management skills
and monitor my daily activities even better.

To honor this new way of thinking
I will draw something everyday until Easter
and share it with you.

Could I fail?  Sure
Could I learn from this experience?  Of course, no matter the failure or success!

Want to join me?

Here is a downloadable PDF of  a few heart cards and my card for day one-
"I do have time!"

Print it off
and take a minute or so to color or doodle around the edges.

You just thought it didn't you...
"I dont have time for that!"

I know, I know.
But we are living now
and these days are quickly passing.
We have to find the time.

Read more great quotes about time
at this link:

Trying to walk the talk and live in my vulnerability on this artist holiday,

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