Hannah Overman Koch

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kindness Chronicles June

Do you ever think about the various people in your life?

I have recently thought about that very question and how blessed I am to have such wonderful people around me to help bring out the creative gifts I possess, by simply supplying the opportunity.

Those who I have known my whole life or even those who I have only recently befriended...

Case in point, a dear friend of mine asked me to create a "logo" for her stationary.  This was a new task for me to conquer, something I had never done before!  Excitement immediately ensued after realizing the honorable task before me!  

This dear friend, Pam Russell, is the Children's Minister at our church and she wanted stationary that truly represented her and her mission!  She gave me the best advice when I asked her "What are you looking for?"

She said "Let your children inspire you".

And so that is what happened, very naturally too.  About 2 weeks later, my 3 year old was drawing one day on a big piece of paper in our studio and the person she drew had really long arms.

It hit me like a brick wall!  Make a person in the likeness of Pam with long arms wrapped around a diverse group of children.

Not only did I want the picture to show her lifelong affection and work with children, but I also wanted the drawing to have that child-like feeling by drawing as a child would draw it.

Simplistic shapes, essential markings only, limited colors and no horizon line.

I had a few other ideas, but this was the only one that I was really happy with.  I wanted to come to the table with a least 2 images, but I only had the one.  I couldn't get away from that vision in my mind's eye.  I decided to go ahead and show her the only image I had created thus far.

When I showed her the results, I was ready to discuss various differences she would rather have or to start over with another image.  But she loved it right away and didn't want anything changed.

I was delighted to use my creative talents for such a worthy cause!

She took it to the printers and this is the final product-

It is a special feeling to receive a thank you card on the very image you created!

An excerpt from my special thank you card I received when Pam picked up the cards from the printers!

Sometimes those very people in our lives can see opportunities for us, so much clearer than we can ourselves.  They help us thrive and continue to grow personally.  They challenge us because they know we will grow leaps and bounds because of it.  In this month's Kindness Chronicles, I ask if you are helping to release the dreams you see possible in those lives around you?

Remembering to share encouragement and expressing confidence in those around you on this artist holiday,

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